Trillium provides consulting services in environmental chemistry.
Areas of expertise include environmental data interpretation and
evaluation, litigation support, data validation, and quality
assurance/quality control. Trillium's personnel have experience
managing industrial research and development and commercial
environmental analytical laboratories, teaching at the university
level, developing analytical methods, collecting samples in the
field, analyzing samples in the laboratory, and performing field
and laboratory quality assurance functions. This experience,
coupled with our academic credentials, makes us uniquely
qualified to select the most appropriate program to address your
environmental chemistry and quality assurance concerns.
Trillium's capabilities include, but are not limited to, the
- Expert Witness Services
- Trillium has been retained by numerous law firms as the
environmental chemistry expert witness. Clients have
included individuals, banks, insurance companies, and
industry. Included in Trillium's litigation services are
expert consulting services, expert report preparation,
affidavit preparation, forensic capabilities, preparation
of cross examination questions, preparation of graphics
for trial use, deposition testimony, mediation
presentations, and expert testimony at trial.
- Data
Interpretation/Environmental Forensic Chemistry -
Interpretation of analytical data includes evaluation of
sample chromatograms, review of historical data and past
site uses, identification of chemical degradation and
biological degradation products, identification of
tentatively identified compounds, identification of data
artifacts, and determination of the age of a chlorinated
solvent (1,1,1-trichloroethane) found in groundwater.
- Planning - Trillium can
plan an entire sampling and analysis project, from
recommending laboratories which can generate quality data
using methods appropriate for meeting the project's data
quality objectives, auditing the laboratory prior to and
during the program, preparing a QAPP, preparing
field/laboratory coordination memoranda, recommending and
developing appropriate analytical methods, coordinating
with and providing technical advice to the sampling team
and laboratory, performing field sampling audits,
validating the analytical data generated, assessing the
usability of the data, and determining if the project's
data quality objectives have been met.
- Data Validation -
Trillium performs validation of laboratory analytical
data packages pursuant to current U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) National Functional Guidelines,
as well as EPA regional guidance documents, the
analytical methodology, and laboratory standard operating
procedures. Professional judgment is applied as necessary
and appropriate. Detailed validation reports, including
data summary forms and annotated Form Is, are provided.
Analysis parameters include volatile and semivolatile
organic compounds, pesticides/PCBs, metals and cyanide,
herbicides, dioxins/furans, and classical wet chemistry
analytes in water, soil, air, solid and biota matrices.
Trillium personnel are familiar with all U.S. EPA
analytical methodologies, including but not limited to,
Contract Laboratory Program Statements of Work, SW-846
and drinking water methods.
- Data Usability - With
environmental analyses, contractual compliance with the
specifications of the method employed is not the primary
concern of the data evaluation process. Historically, it
has been observed that contractually compliant data are
not always technically usable and that contractually
noncompliant data are sometimes very usable. Through
Trillium's extensive experience in all phases of the
entire data collection, analysis, and review process, we
can determine not only if the data generated are valid,
but also if they meet the data quality objectives of the
project. Trillium focuses on the usability of the data
- Project Specific Quality
Assurance/Quality Control - Trillium has developed a
field/laboratory coordination memorandum to ensure that
all parties involved with a sampling and analysis effort
know what, why, and how each task is to be performed to
ensure that the end result is useful. These memoranda
also specify the appropriate type and frequency of
quality control samples, analytical methodologies,
analysis costs, and scheduling. If required for the needs
of a particular project, these memoranda also specify
development of method detection limits and practical
quantitation limits.
- Quality Assurance Project
Plan (QAPP) Preparation and Review - Trillium has
written QAPPs for several clients and, at the request of
other clients, provided comments and suggestions for
improving numerous QAPPs written by others. Whether the
sampling and analysis effort is small or large, a
detailed QAPP is necessary for establishing the approach
to managing the overall quality processes of the
environmental project. All relevant parties (client,
sampling contractors, laboratories, data validators, data
users) must have input regarding sampling, analysis, data
evaluation, and data use for a successful QAPP to be
- Information Services -
Trillium can obtain project-specific literature
references to provide litigation or interpretation
support through online searching and full access to the
Internet, as well as through traditional library
research. Trillium can also obtain copies of material
safety data sheets, patents, company-specific profiles
and information, and historical documents. Trillium
performs constant review of available environmental
literature to keep current on new and innovative
technology, analytical method development, and regulatory
agency activity.
- Laboratory Audits -
Trillium has performed onsite audits of numerous
laboratories for industrial clients, attorneys,
engineering firms, and potentially responsible party
(PRP) groups. Audits are often requested to assess a
laboratory's qualifications and capabilities to provide
acceptable analytical data for a given sampling and
analytical program. Other clients provide a list of
laboratories to be evaluated with regard to their
abilities to provide analyses on a continuing basis for
varied projects.
- Performance Evaluation (PE)
Samples - An excellent way to monitor a laboratory's
ability to produce high quality, consistently usable data
is through a double-blind PE program. Double-blind PE
samples are samples that are not known by the laboratory
to be PE samples. Consequently, the laboratory knows
neither the identity nor the concentration of the analyte
in the sample. The PE samples can be incorporated with
actual samples from a given site or submitted by a
fictitious client. Trillium has developed and managed
several PE sample programs, including securement of the
appropriate PE samples.
- Third Party Reviews -
Trillium has provided independent, third party review of
numerous documents for its clients. Documents reviewed
include QAPPs and sampling and analysis plans to ensure
that these plans adequately address all aspects of the
project to be undertaken, analytical methods and EPA
proposed methods to assess whether these are appropriate
for and can accurately measure the components of
interest, environmental and tentatively identified
compounds data to ensure that analytes have been properly
identified or to provide analyte identifications,
proposals, site assessment reports, and litigation
- Regulatory Agency Standard
Operating Procedure Development - Trillium has been
retained by state environmental regulatory agencies to
develop standard operating procedures (SOP) documents to
be used by environmental laboratories that wish to
perform analyses of samples collected from projects
located in those states. Included in each SOP were chain
of custody, methods, and data package deliverables
- Research - Trillium has
performed environmental analytical research projects for
several of its clients. These research projects have been
conducted in order to develop appropriate analytical
methods for the components of concern, modify existing
analytical methods to generate more quantitatively
accurate data, or assess the accuracy and reliability of
proposed analytical methods.
- Field Laboratories -
Trillium's trained personnel have performed sample
analyses using gas chromatography, mass spectrometry,
Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and immunoassay
kits and have also provided interpretation of the
analytical data generated. Innovative new (solid phase
microextraction techniques) and modified methodologies
are developed to address the specific needs of each
project. Trillium has also provided recommendations for
onsite laboratories established by our clients; these
recommendations include all aspects of laboratory
operation, including instruments, reagents, personnel,
and other startup costs.
- Courses/Presentations -
Trillium has provided numerous courses and presentations
to its clients; individual members of Trillium have also
served as workshop instructors at various environmental
conferences. Topics of these courses and presentations
have included data validation, choosing and managing
environmental analytical laboratories, evaluating
petroleum hydrocarbons data, environmental chemistry for
the attorney nonchemist.
- Environmental Site
Assessments - Trillium has provided Phase I
environmental site assessments for numerous local
clients. The Phase I site assessment includes a site
walkthrough, title search, review of state and local
environmental agency records, review of historical
records, title search, review of historical aerial
photographs, and preparation of a written report for its
Upon request, we would be happy to provide descriptions of
representative projects and client references. Contact us at: